Thanks for taking the time to fill in this Breeding Report. Over time this will create an invaluble reference database for anyone wishing to keep and breed Rasbora pauciperforata. Please take a minute to read these comments before proceeding just to ensure you know the 'rules'Remember..
1. You don't have to answer any question (including your name!) but please include any relevant details
2. You can fill this questionaire in as many times as you breed these fish. If you breed them again next year, come back and update us!
3. If you had no, or even partial sucess, your report is still useful. Let us know where you went wrong
Scroll through the questions below (using the purple arrows bottom right)
When stocking an aquarium, always chose species that tolerate the same water conditions: temperature, pH, hardness and salinity. Read more about water conditions in the aquarium here