Aquarium Setup: These fast flowing waters are seasonal and often have low visibility due to all the debris picked up along the way to the sea. A biotope aquarium should have a strong current, however creating 'muddy' water is both difficult and undesirable. It can be lightly stained with peat fibre, if desired
Substrate: Silver sand, rounded pebbles and driftwood
Water Conditions: Soft and slightly acidic
Temperature: 26-29 C
Typical fish: Barbs, Loaches, Danios, Cyprind sharks, catfish (including Pangasius), Knifefish etc
A good deal of South East Asia (Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia etc) consists of rainforest. Large rivers fed by their smaller tributaries making their way to the sea. These waters are typically fast flowing and pick up a lot of sediment. Plants often occur in the fastest flowing (central) area of the rivers; genera such as Crinum and Vallisneria are common, as well as Cryptocoryne, Ceratopteris, Hygrophila, and Nymphaea (tiger lotus). Dense planting is desirable, as is a strong current.
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