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(Other members of the genus Hyphessobrycon)
WATER CONDITIONS: Moderately soft and acidic
FOOD: Feed Hyphessobrycon bentosi small live-foods and fine grade dried foods. This species is not a problematic feeder, but like most tetras enjoys live foods whenever offered.
DISTRIBUTION: This species comes from Brazil, Paraguay, Guyana
SEXUAL DIFFERENCES: Males have a significantly longer dorsal fin than females
AQUARIUM CARE: There are two subspecies of this fish, bentosi bentosi and bentosi rosaceus. Both are good community shoalers that do well in a large tank with planted back and sides.
A good community species, though prefers an Amazon-style tank; well planted with clean soft water.
BREEDING: Breeding should be accomplished by selecting a pair and isolating in a breeding tank. This species is a plant spawner; eggs are attached to plants or spawning mops. Females tend to be slightly smaller than males, who have somewhat longer dorsal and anal fins.
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Other members of the genus Hyphessobrycon
Other characin species
Hyphessobrycon bentosi
Immature white-tipped tetras are less colourful than older ones; the reds especially intensify with age
BREEDING: Breeding should be accomplished by selecting a pair and isolating in a breeding tank. This species is a plant spawner; eggs are attached to plants or spawning mops. Females tend to be slightly smaller than males, who have somewhat longer dorsal and anal fins.
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