The group killifish comprise some 800 described species, and many more undescribed.
DISTRIBUTION: Most are small, highly coloured and inhabit small brooks, creeks and even puddles of temporary water in Africa and South America. Some species also exist in Southern Europe and parts of Asia.
Killifish have some amazing survival techniques; often their small bodies of water dry up, and so some can lay eggs that survive drying, sometimes for many months, whilst others have been known to wriggle across land to find new ponds. In the aquarium most killifish are easy to keep, and some of the more robust species do fine in community aquariums. Lids should always be tight fitting as these guys LOVE to jump!
RECOMMENDED STARTER SPECIES: Aplocheilus lineatus, Fundulopanchax gardneri, Aphyosemion striatum, Aphyosemion australe, Jordanella floridae